Four Words.
Posted by Maane Simpas | Posted in | Posted on 6:22 PM
I was just watching late night shows on the television, waiting to feel sleepy, when my phone beeped and I received a message from him. We were having a casual exchange of SMS about what's been up lately. It's been a few weeks since we last talked. He said he was drinking with his old pals in their hometown. Then I remembered that it has been more than a year since we broke up. He couldn't believe that it has actually been a year. Well time did indeed fly by fast. I couldn't believe it myself. The pain is still there, only with lesser intensity than before. I guess I'd never feel whole again like how I did when I still had him. I asked him how it has been for him, the break up I meant. He said he didn't know, he didn't have the answers. So I said okay and felt the need to stop pressing on about that issue. As always, he didn't reply anymore.

I turned the television off and decided to sleep. I tucked myself in bed and said my prayers. Then my phone beeped again. And this was what it said.
And that was enough to send me to sleep, smiling.
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