I Took The Plunge!
Posted by Maane Simpas | Posted in | Posted on 12:43 PM

Up until this very moment, I still couldn't believe that I did jump off from that cliff. I know it's not that high enough but being what I consider myself a "weakling", I am proud of myself for being brave enough to let go of my feet from the rock and take the plunge. If you knew me well, I am not the kind of person who would take such risks. I don't have fear from heights but what scares me most is that I might hurt myself or drown or lose my consciousness when I hit the water. Plus, I didn't know how to swim! But I thought that if I wouldn't do it, I would be the person who would go home, regretting not taking the risk. So I made myself calm and jumped. And here I am now, so happy for making that decision. :)
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