
Posted by Maane Simpas | Posted in | Posted on 4:03 PM

Seven things that scare me

[01] Having to feel extreme and excruciating pain. - Unfortunately, I have such low pain threshold and tolerance, plus I don't like the idea of suffering.
[02] Animals. - And I mean everything.. From cats, dogs, chickens, snakes, cows, elephants, horses.
[03] Getting blind or deaf or mute. - What's the sense of still living without my eyes to see what's around me, without my ears to hear wonderful music, and without my mouth to communicate with people.
[04] Death. - Who isn't scared to die anyway?
[05] Growing old and frustrated and unhappy and discontented with life.
[06] Losing my limbs in an accident, or getting raped, or murdered. - I don't usually witness this despite the fact that I'm a nurse and I'm supposed to get used to these. These are really tragic things that could happen to anyone.
[07] Loneliness and what comes into mind when I am lonely.

Seven things I like the most

[01] Receiving mail or package from Mr. Postman.
[02] Yellow flowers.
[03] Long and uninterrupted sleep. -- Aaah.. Yes... :]
[04] Traveling.
[05] Loads and loads and loads of books to read.
[06] A good (and random) conversation with someone you really don't know. And finding out later that you two have a lot in common.
[07] When someone brings my favorite food when I'm sick.

Seven random facts about me

[01] You would know that I find something incredibly incredibly funny when I laugh without making a sound.
[02] I get really annoyed with foreign-made toothpastes, shampoos and soaps. Try comparing one with our local products, you'll know.
[03] I have hypersensitive skin and I hate entertaining questions about it.
[04] I used to memorize all of Eminem's rap songs in his 2nd album.
[05] When I feel sad or down, looking at baby pictures helps make the bad feelings go away.
[06] I like the smell of paint, gasoline and acetone.
[07] You can never make me watch gore movies.

Seven important things in my bedroom

[01] My four pillows in my bed and clean sheets.
[02] My most treasured journals.. At the foot part of my bed.
[03] Books... Right beside my pillows.
[04] AC. Because my room's the hottest among all the rooms in the house.
[05] My sister.. Yes, I sleep with my sister.
[06] Music and speakers.
[07] My Power Puff Girls Memorabilia box where I keep preserved thingies from the past.

Seven things I wish to do before I die

[01] Learn to play the violin.
[02] Raise wonderful kids.
[03] Get married, maybe?
[04] Go to places I wanna wanna go.
[05] Inspire others.
[06] Repent and forgive.
[07] Enjoy life as much as I could. :)

Seven things I can do

[01] Taekwondo.
[02] Make friends happy. :)
[03] Stay at home for an entire week.
[04] Be kind or otherwise.
[05] Speak few Korean words.
[06] Cook.
[07] Be extremely quiet or extremely loud.

Seven things I can’t do

[01] Drugs.
[02] Smoking.
[03] Not listen to music or read books or watch movies.
[04] Betray a good friend.
[05] Pick my nose in public.
[06] Photoshop! Haha!
[07] Go on a diet.

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