Do not make "i'm only human, born to make mistakes" an excuse. You are a rational being, dammit.
Posted by Maane Simpas | Posted in | Posted on 9:31 PM
Nobody wants to look stupid. Of course. I should know.
But why do most, if not all, choose to stay in stupidity despite the knowledge that they are making a fool out of themselves?
Probably, one of the hardest things to do as a human being is to admit that you are wrong. You would try every possible way to make opposite ends meet by proving not just to others but most importantly to yourself that your wrong could be right.
Nobody wants to be told that he is wrong. Even constructive criticisms could sound more of an insult than a compliment, no matter how the mistake is discreetly or subtly pointed out.
I would say it is the human's PRIDE. Remember, PRIDE is all you have when you have nothing left. There is something that you want to prove -- you want the whole world to know and see that you are capable of breaking the rules, that you have the power to make the wrong right. You want to take pride in your stubborness, of going against the flow, of bending a metal spoon with your stare -- of being a BAD ASS.
But who are you kidding?
Time will come that your sins will find you out. Each consequence would pile into heaps. There is no escaping. Just like telling lies, it becomes addicting. Each mistake is covered up with another.. And another.. And another.. Until there is no stopping. You are in a quicksand of errors, of wrong doings, of mistakes.
And you are left with 3 options: 1.) Err some more till everything flushes you out, 2.) Make your mistakes right. 3.) KILL YOURSELF.
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